Monday 21 January 2013

Editing the Music Video

These are screenshots of the editing process of the video. We uploaded the footage we filmed and we are now matching it to the music, this screen shot on the left is a still shot from the captured footage, this may be used in the intro of the music video.

This screen shot on the right is of everything we captured from the camera when we uploaded. These will be cut and moved together to make the music video look much more realistic.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Filming - Day 2

On monday we went out to;the playground near all saints school, which is one of the sets of our music video, and filmed a few scenes for the video. We were able to film multiple shots, which will be used for the intro to our music video and in various points throughout it. It was snowing on this day and so we decided used this and made sure we were able to catch the snow in a few shots before it disappeared. We used two 'actors', to lip sync and act out the lyrics, when filming these shots. Once we had finished filming outside we went inside to film a different set of shots. We did this in our school common room which was another of the sets for our video. We filmed one of the actors playing a pool match. However it was staged so we could get the shots that we needed to ensure we used the set to our full advantage. I believe we were able to express our vision for the song through these shots. We will film more scenes at a later time to further enhance our music video.