How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (Digipak, Magazine Advert)?
To make the ancillary texts, which are the digipak and magazine we used Adobe Photoshop. This software allowed us to manipulate images and create exactly what we envisioned for these texts.
This is our final digipak.
The images on the right and left of the first half of the digipak include the main actor from our video with speach bubbles leading from his mouth to the titles on the back of the digipak. This illustrates the concept of the song and video which is esentially about expressing yourself. Expression is most commonly done through speech and so this aspect of the digipak effectively 'expresses' the concept of the main product. The speech bubbles are also the main feature throughout the digipak. I feel that this is a smart and effective link between the two.
Furthermore the left image on the second half of the digipak are the words 'express yourself' written and coloured in an eccentric fashion. This gives a sense of originality and it is something that is 'outside of the box' which is what express yourself is about; being original and not following others. Also, the images used on the top right and left, and bottom right of the digipak are all taken from the music video we created. All of this was done intentionally to link the ancillary texts back to the main product, which is the music video, to show a sense of cohesion throughout the creation of our media text.

Similar to the digipak, the magazine advert uses an image directly from the music video which further reiterates the link between the main product and ancillary texts. Also the speech bubble concept is used in the magazine advert too, once again showing the point of expressing yourself. The spotlights at the top of the advert can be seen as another form of expression as spotlights are usually used to highlight or individualise someone and essentially give them the chance to express themselves. There is a large amount of symbolism in these ancillary texts which link in with the main product.
I feel that the combination between these ancillary texts and the music video is very effective as there are constant connections that can be found between the two.
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